This is the course blog for Semester 1, 2011 at the University of Queensland
More revision tutes
Appliation of quantum hall effect in electronic devices
Half integer quantum hall effect in graphene
electron–hole degeneracy and vanishing carrier mass near the point of charge neutrality. This unique behaviour of electrons opens up for new application in carbon based electric and magnetic field-effect technology, for example, aplication in ballistic or metallic/semiconducting graphene ribbon devices and electric field effective spin transport devices using a spin-polarized edge state.
Some sites on thermoelectric devices
BECs and BCS
This is a (lengthy) paper which looks at some similarities/differences between BECs and BCS theory for superconductors. Its a bit long to go through all of it, but the introduction is quite interesting in raising some ideas, about how BECs and BCS superconductors show properties which are two sides of the same coin.
Presentation marks
marks are out of ten
404 5
335 5
050 5.5
658 4
459 6
344 5
172 8.5
370 7.5
677 6
Types of superconductors
1- Low temperature superconductors(LTC): it is called also conventional superconductors such as Mercury and this type characterized by low critical temperature(Tc).
2- High temperature superconductors(HTS):this type characterized by high critical temperature(Tc).for example,(La2 Ba1 Cu O4)
kondo effect and kondo lattice
Kondo lattice appears when we have more impurities in the system and hence the intraction between impurites is taken into account as well as the intraction between conduction electron with impurity to calculate the resistivity.Actually, now kondo effect depend on the spin of impurities (ferromagnet or antiferromagnet)and the strength btween them.
Course evaluation and optional tute
Could we do that at 1pm today in the interaction room as part of the optional tutorial?
Those who come I will make it worthwhile....
Guide for assessable presentations:
Good luck all with your presentations.
Student presentations
I will bring the data projector but it is your responsibility to bring a laptop and to check beforehand that you can get it to work with the data projector. I will set up the data projector at least 15 minutes before class time so you can do that.
Time limits will be strictly enforced.
Pseudogap phase
semiconductor and Quantum dots
Useful information about the semicondutor as quantum dots can be found in;
Archive of Semiconducting materials
Not much in the way of theory but I thought it looked interesting.
Semiconductors lecture for reference
A video about Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors, Doping, Compound Semiconductors, Molten Semiconductors. It's from MIT, a famous uni in the US.
Direct gap and indirect gap semiconductors
This leads to a difference in the process to bring an electron from the valence band to the conduction band. A direct gap semiconductor only requires the transfer of energy (from say a photon) to reach the conduction band while an indirect gap semiconductor requires a change in both energy (from a photon) and momentum (from a phonon) to reach the conduction band.
post a comment
wide band gap in semiconductor
Impurity in semiconductor
An interesting guide to semi-conductors
For those who were a bit confused about the discussion of semi-conductors in lectures, the above link is a useful guide to their behaviour. Don't be alarmed by the URL, it is in fact a quite serious guide to semi-conductor physics, purportedly *written* by *Britney Spears*.
It has sections on the basics of semi-conductors, junctions, recombination and the other topics we touched on. I found this part on p-n junctions particularly useful.
The p-n junction
to see a clear picture about the p-n junction see this link
Semiconductor and Band-gap
please can any one explain it ?
Course summary
Read the course profile for more information for what the summary should involve.
The summary should sent to me via email as a pdf file.
Since there have already been several incidents of plagiarism in this course, all the summaries will be run through the program Turnitin.
Tutorial today at 2pm
I will be available in the interaction room to answer questions about lectures, past tutorial and exam questions, your papers for presentations, ...
you might also try answering the problems for chapter 33 and 34 of ashcroft and mermin.
Paper presentation schedule
Each presentation will be 12 minutes plus 3 minutes for questions.
Time limits will be rigidly enforced.
The material below is from John Wilkins one page guides and should be read and applied before giving your talk.
- Preparing a talk. [html ], [postscript ]
- Talk Grit [html], [postscript] (Jim Garland)
- How to give a Terrible Talk
- Viewgraphs Preparation: NOT
Monday May 30 2pm
NegarQuasiparticles at the Verge of Localization near the Mott Metal-Insulator Transition in a Two-Dimensional Material
Wednesday June 1 noon
Updated lecture slides on superconductivity
Again, reading chapter 34 of Ashcroft and Mermin is highly recommended (essential).
Flying frogs and levitating magnets with your hand
The paper is based on Earnshaw's theorem, which proves that there exists no stable equilibriums for 1/r^2 forces. In the simplest context, it explains why no matter how hard you try you've never been able to balance two magnets with their opposing poles as a kid.
The paper discusses how pre-WW2 it was shown by Braunbeck that it was possible to achieve stable equilibria with diamagnetic materials (hence why superconductors can levitate). They apply some of his basic theory to some very interesting examples, i.e. finding the stable equilibrium point to levitate a frog in mid-air. This is accomplished due to the dia-magnetic nature of many molecules, such as water and proteins. They even show how the minute diamagnetic nature of your fingers (and apparently a book on the Feynmann lectures) can be used to stabilise the equilibrium point of a small magnet in a field.
High temperature superconductivity
High temperature superconductors is currently one major problem within theoretical physics that remains unsolved (for now) and theory surrounding them is an active area of research.
Confusing about supeconductivity devices
Meissner Effect and Superconductivity

- Energy Science News
Magnetic structure
Limit of superconductivity
or the absorbtion of electromagnetic radiation of frequency w such that hbarw ~binding energy.
Energy gap in superconductor
Magnetism due to unfilled atomic shells
Draft slides on superconductivity
But, they are no substitute for reading chapter 34 of Ashcroft and Mermin.
When no external field is applied, the antiferromagnetic structure corresponds to a vanishing total magnetization. In a field, a kind of ferrimagnetic behavior may be displayed in the antiferromagnetic phase, with the absolute value of one of the sublattice magnetizations differing from that of the other sublattice, resulting in a nonzero net magnetization.
The magnetic susceptibility of an antiferromagnetic material typically shows a maximum at the Néel temperature. In contrast, at the transition between the ferromagnetic to the paramagnetic phases the susceptibility will diverge. In the antiferromagnetic case, a divergence is observed in the staggered susceptibility.
Various microscopic (exchange) interactions between the magnetic moments or spins may lead to antiferromagnetic structures. In the simplest case, one may consider an Ising model on an bipartite lattice, e.g. the simple cubic lattice, with couplings between spins at nearest neighbor sites. Depending on the sign of that interaction, ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic order will result. Geometrical frustration or competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions may lead to different and, perhaps, more complicated magnetic structures.
This flipping is characterized by the Neel relaxation time:
tau_N = tau_0*exp ((K*V)/(k_B*T))
Where K is the particles magnetic anisotropic energy. The relaxation time may range from nanoseconds to years for particles. However over a time scale much greater than tau_N the net magnetization will be measured to be zero.
The above was assumed to be in zero magnetic field. However if we now apply a field to the superparamagnetic particle it will order accordingly, much like a paramagnet. Due to this ordering, the particle can be said to have a magnetic susceptibility. This magnetic susceptibility will be far larger than a normal paramagnet hence the term superparamagnet.
This state of magnetism is of great importance to technology, as it is a limiting factor for storage efficiency on magnet-based hard drives. Superparamagnetism sets a lower limit on the particle size which may be used to store information, as the relaxation time is proportional to exp(V).
Assignment 5 - due Monday May 30
Course schedule until end
Tuesday 11am - Paul - magnetism
Wed. noon - Paul - tute
Wed. 2pm - Ross - lecture - superconductivity - read ch. 34 in Ashcroft and Mermin
Thursday 11am - Ross - optional problem solving session
Energies of Singlet and Triplet States
the singlet wavefunction is nonzero. Because the electrons repel each other more when they are close to one another, we therefore expect the singlet to have more electronelectron repulsion and a higher energy. This rule turns out to hold quite generally and is called Hund’s rule : for degenerate noninteracting states, the configuration with highest spin multiplicity lies lowest in energy. Hence, triplet are expected with lower energies. more can be found on this site which may be helpful to understand soem more topics discussed in class.
Quantum Heisenberg Model
The above is a link to a full description of the Quantum Heisenberg Model as we derived in class. Note that in class we considered the case of zero external field and unlimited neighbor interactions. Usually the Heisenberg model is referred to when considering a lattice with nearest-neighbor interactions only. The model is generally solvable for the ground-state, however as most of us are finding in Phys4040, it is not simple.
In general the Heisenberg model is much simpler when solved computationally, and in fact is much more efficient computationally than the classical Ising model. Using a suitable eigenvalue technique, for instance the Lanczos algorithm, it is possible to calculate the ground-state and lower excited states for an NxN lattice (and higher dimensions, although memory can become a problem for any lattice size which is a reasonable approximation to the thermodynamic limit). An important consequence one finds upon solving, is that the ferromagnet and anti-ferromagnet arrangements seen in class only occur for zero field. When a magnetic field is apply, a superposition of different spin states is found.
Optional problem solving session on thursdays at noon
Notes on magnetic ordering
Ions with a partially filled shell
Bohr magneton calculation
Question about assignment 4
Kadowaki–Woods ratio
In 2009, Anthony Jacko, John Fjaerestad, and Ben Powell showed that the different ratios could be understood on the basis of different materials specific properties, such as the density of states and the electron density, even before electron-electron interactions were taken into account.
Fermi liquid theory
Hund's Rule
Developed by the German scientist, Friedrich Hund (1896-1997), Hund's rule allows scientists to predict the order in which electrons fill an atom's suborbital shells. Hund's rule is based on the Aufbau principle that electrons are added to the lowest available energylevel (shell) of an atom.
Around each atomicnucleus, electrons occupy energy levels termed shells. Each shell is identified with quantum number, n, that defines the mainenergy level. Each main level is made up of a number of sublevels. These sublevels are identified by their shapes: s sublevels have 1 orbital, p sublevels have 3 orbitals, d sublevels have 5 orbitals; and f. sublevels have 7 orbitals. Each orbital can contain only 3 electrons spinning in opposite directions .
Although each suborbital can hold two electrons, the electrons all carry negative charges and, because like charges repel, electrons repel each other. In accord with Hund's rule, electrons space themselves as far apart as possible by occupying all availablevacant suborbitals before pairing up with another electron. The unpaired electrons all have the same spin quantum number (represented in electron configuration diagrams with arrows all pointing either upward or downward).
The Pauli exclusion principle states that each electron must have its own unique set of quantum numbers that specify its energy. Accordingly, because all electrons have a spin of 1/2, each suborbital can hold up to two electrons only if their spins are paired +1/2 with -1/2. In electron configuration diagrams, paired electrons with opposite spins are represented by paired arrows pointing up and down.
For example, if there are three available p orbitals (px, py, pz) the first three electons will fill these one at a time, each with the same spin. When the fourth electron is added, it will enter the (px orbital and will adopt the opposite spin since this is a lower energy configuration.
Although Hund's rule accurately predicts the electron configuration of most elements, exceptions exist, especially when atoms and ions have the opportunity to gain additional stability by having filled s orbitals or half- filled or filled d or f orbitals.
Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism notes
They cover similar areas to our lectures but also mention and includes crystal field splitting and nuclear demagnetisnation.
Nuclear Diamagnetism
Instabilities of Fermi liquid
Generally, Fermi liquid theory is very successful for single particle excitation in solids, but also it can have some phase transition into another state with some degree of order. Susceptibility is responsible for the phase transition in Fermi liquid. Some perturbation h is present in Fermi liquid which give the variation in O (charge, spin, current etc.), then
Some papers for student presentations
First come, first served.
Claim yours with a comment below.
I welcome alternative suggestions.
You will have to give a 15 minute presentation where you
-summarise the key ideas and results of the paper
-relate the contents to what you have learnt in the course
-state things you did not understand
-any weaknesses you see in the paper
Marks will be based on
-quality of presentation
-level of understanding of the paper
-ability to relate the paper to what you have learned in the course
-ability to answer questions
Experimental observation of the quantum Hall effect and Berry's phase in graphene
Ideal diode equation for organic heterojunctions. I. Derivation and application
Complex thermoelectric materials
Tunable Fröhlich polarons in organic single-crystal transistors
Understanding ion motion in disordered solids from impedance spectroscopy scaling
Quasiparticles at the Verge of Localization near the Mott Metal-Insulator Transition in a Two-Dimensional Material
The birth of topological insulators
Fluctuating valence in a correlated solid and the anomalous properties of
Fluctuating superconductivity in organic molecular metals close to the Mott transition
Quantum criticality in heavy-fermion metals
A unified explanation of the Kadowaki–Woods ratio in strongly correlated metals
Fermi Liquid Theory and the Independent electron Approximation
Slides for lecture on Fermi liquid theory - hard copies in lecture
Getting the most out of lectures
The lecture is designed to highlight the key ideas, concepts, equations, and experimental results. There is insufficient time to explain everything in detail, particularly to go through every step of the algebra in every derivation. If you are so inclined you should do this by yourself.
There is also no point in me writing out lectures notes which just say the same thing as what the text says.
You should then re-read the relevant part of the text after the lecture.
Todays lecture will be on Landau's Fermi liquid theory of metals and quasi-particles. The relevant parts of the text are pages 345-351.
My final lectures will be on Superconductivity, covering all of chapter 34.
Question about Mid semester exam
Hartree Approximation
Jellium model
are explained very detailed.
The basic eq of nonlinear Thomas-Fermi theory
Some links regarding Hartree-Fock
SI Units
metre for length
kilogram for mass
second for time
ampere for electric current
kelvin for temperature
candela for luminous intensity
mole for the amount of substance.
I thought this was quite interesting, not just the fact that a joule is in fact technically not an SI unit, but more for the choice of ampere for electric current. This means technically a charge can be measured properly as A.s and not C. I would argue that C is much more fundamental, as if you change reference frames a current may disappear, but a collection of charge will not. Anyone know why ampere's are chosen, or disagree with my choice of C?
An interesting consequence of plasmons is the optical properties of a metal. The frequency of the density oscillation is known as the plasma frequency. When light above the plasma frequency is incident on a metal it is transmitted, whereas light below this frequency is reflected due to the collective screening behavior of the electrons.
Paper presentation
In regards to the presentation, what guidelines are there besides a (close) connection to the course? Are recent papers expected as opposed to older ones?
Pauli Principle and e-e interaction
2. Electrons can scatter itself at finite temperature, dE1 = KT = 1/40 eV at room temperature. For Ef = 2.5 eV, 10exp-4 electrons have chance for scattering.
3. Scattering rate tou ^-1 is directly proportional to T^2, low temperature and pure sample eliminates the thermal and impurity scattering so relatively good e-e scattering can be observed.
4. Fermi surface is stable because of Pauli principle.
Fell free to add some more points related e-e scattering.
jellium model definition
Limitations of Hartree Approximation
2. The total energy calculation comes to be positive i.e. electron gas is unstable.
Are there some more limitations?
Thomas-Fermi Screening
Energy levels of Helium atom
Optional extra tutorial
Tomorrow at 1pm I will be available in the interaction room. If you wish to work through tutorial problems and/or past exam questions, and get feedback I will be available then. If it is popular enough I will do this every week, at a mutually agreeable time.
Exam practice and feedback
Write out a new formula sheet.
Take the mid-semester exam and try and do it again in one hour by yourself.
Give me your written solutions and I will mark it as I would normally.
Note this will not change your mark, but hopefully it will help you get a better grasp of the material, and get more feedback of what I expect.
Hartree Approximation
Lecture slides on electron-electron interactions
At the tutorial on wednesday I will work through the answers to the mid-semester exam.
Summary of tight binding model
Semimetal and Semiconductor
At T = 0, a pure semimetal behaves as good conductor, as there are some partialy filled electrons and holes band.
At T = 0, a pure semiconductor behaves as insulator, as the carriers are either due to thermal excitation or presence of impurities.
Fermi Surface
Reading for next week
Key concepts include:
The many-body Schrodinger equation
Hartree approximation and the self-consistent field
Hartree-Fock approximation and the exchange interaction
Fermi liquid theory
Singlet-Triplet splitting
How are predictions derived from fermisurface ?
Fermi surfaces
Landau Levels
Necessary condition for observing the quantum oscillation
use of superconductor in train
Ever since the discovery of superconductors, there has been great interest in their use in electronics. It turns out that the magnetic properties of superconductors has been more useful in a larger variety of applications than the lack of resistance.
Maglev trains use superconductors to levitate the train above magnetic rails. This enables them to operate without friction, and therefore acheive unheard of speeds. The maglev train below is being installed at the Old Dominion University in Hampton, Virginia. It is the first to be installed in the US. Unfortunately, due to the short track it is on, it can only reach speeds of 40 miles per hour. Maglevs, with sufficient track, can reach speeds over 300 mph. A new Maglev train in Shanghai recently broke the 500 Km/h barrier (310 mph). These trains are also more efficient because there less energy loss to friction between the train and the track. |
Visualising Landau level filling and the IQHE
de Haas van Alphen Effect
This is a nice little collection of info on the de Haas van Alphen effect I found (might be where Ross pinched some pictures from).
For an example of how you can actually apply the effect to construct the Fermi surface, have a look through this paper:
If you don't want to get into the gritty details at least check out fig. 2 to look at the relations between measurement and theory.
Lecture on determination of the Fermi surface
Notes on semi-classical transport theory
New Organic Conductor for Electronic Devices
Now just as fast as silicon plus much cheaper, this inexpensive organic conductor could be used in areas where silicon struggles to compete, eventually slashing the cost of transistors, PDA’s, flat panel screens and bringing electronic paper into common use.
The Development of Organic Conductors
Metals, Superconductors and Semiconductors. Lecture 2A. Introduction and Synthesis of Important. Conjugated Polymers. Lecture 2B. Solid State Polymerization
Lecture 3. Fullerene Chemistry. Lecture 3B. Molecular Engineering. - Similar
Filled bands are inert.
Huckel assumption
Huckel Method
Practice Mid-Semester Question
Has anyone had success with question 2 iv) of the practice mid-semester? I know that:
h^2/2m* = d^2E/dk^2
and have tried a few other methods, but I can't quite seem to get the answer. Any suggestions? I'm figuring I'm probably not taking the approximation near the boundary correctly.
Delocalisation of electrons
Molecular Orbital Theory
Advantages of organic electronics
One of the main advantages of organic electronics is the possibility of manufacturing components and circuits over large areas, while silicon chips are restricted to the area of circular pads of limited sizes.
Most of these advantages, however, is certainly the fact that organic electronics can be fabricated on plastic substrates, thin and flexible.
Only the flash memory transistor, the silicon component found in the pen-drives in digital cameras and MP3 players, continued to resist the benefits of plastic.
Now, Physicists built the first organic transistor Flash memory plastic.
Huckle Method.
Reading for next week
The semi-classical theory of conduction in metals
Important equations are
13.11, 13.19
13.58, 13.61
Magnetoresistance for Open Orbits
For the open orbit case we discussed in the lecture the form of the current:
j = sigma(0)n(n.E) + sigma(1).E
Where n unit vector in the direction of the open orbit. It was argued that the component sigma(1) vanishes in the high-field limit, whereas the sigma(0) contribution does not. This means that unlike the closed-orbit case the magneto-resistance will not approach a constant.
To see this last assertion it is useful to examine a simple case where in the high-field limit the current flow is directed in a direction =/ n, say n'. From our statement above this means that the projection of the electric field, E.n = 0.
Following the working in Ashcroft and Mermin, this gives a particular form for the electric field which I will not write here. Suffice to say, defining the magneto-resistance rho as;
rho = E.j/|j|
One can arrive at the expression:
rho = (n'.j)^2/(n'.sigma(1).n')
Now as we have previously argued that sigma(1) vanishes in the high-field limit we clearly see that the magneto-resistance must diverge, i.e. it grows with increasing magnetic field.
Lecture notes
Magnetoresistance in orbits
Semiclassical Electron Dynamics
The semi-classical model looks at the effect on the electron dynamics of external electric or magnetic fields that are approximately uniform over the scale of one such wave-packet. The periodic potential considered in the Bloch model is responsible for the important distinction between the classical and semi-classical models (because the free electron approximation is no longer valid). This potential changes on a scale far smaller than that of the wave-packet, requiring a quantum mechanical treatment.
Hall Effect

Revised schedule for this week
Ross McKenzie lectures on transport in the Bloch model
Wednesday noon
Ross gives tutorial looking at old mid-semester exam questions
Wednesday 2pm
Paul Shaw lectures on the relationship between tight-binding and the Huckel model in chemistry.
Assignment 4: due Tuesday May 3
Slides for electron transport in the Bloch model
They need to be read in parallel with chapter 12 of Ashcroft and Mermin.
A good clip to watch for the introduction to quasicrystal
Types of Quasicrystals
quasiperiodic in two dimensions (polygonal or dihedral quasicrystals)
There is one periodic direction perpendicular to the quasiperodic layers.
- octagonal quasicrystals with local 8-fold symmetry [primitive & body-centered lattices]
- decagonal quasicrystals with local 10-fold symmetry [primitive lattice]
- dodecagonal quasicrystals with local 12-fold symmetry [primitive lattice]
quasiperiodic in three dimensions, no periodic direction
- icosahedral quasicrystals (axes:12x5-fold, 20x3-fold, 30x2-fold) [primitive, body-centered & face-centered lattices]
new type (reported in Nature, Nov.2000)
- "icosahedral" quasicrystal with broken symmetry (stable binary Cd5.7Yb)
Types of Quasicrystal
* octagonal quasicrystals with local 8-fold symmetry [primitive & body-centered lattices]
* decagonal quasicrystals with local 10-fold symmetry [primitive lattice]
* dodecagonal quasicrystals with local 12-fold symmetry [primitive lattice]
- In three dimensions (no periodic direction), there is only one type:
* icosahedral quasicrystals (axes:12x5-fold, 20x3-fold, 30x2-fold) [primitive, body-centered & face-centered lattices]
- Interestingly, there is a New type that was reported in Nature, Nov.2000). it is "icosahedral" quasicrystal with broken symmetry (stable binary Cd5.7Yb).
The reciprocal lattice and first Brillouin zone
A site showing 2D reciprocal vectors
This should be helpful for anyone who hasn't figured this out yet.
It's not a perfect site though :P
General form of reciprocal basis vectors
bi ·aj = 2πδij
Where aj is the real-space basis.
Why 5 fold symmetry is a problem?
The definition of quasicrysta

Penrose and Aperiodic Tiling
The symmetry and other properties are completely equivalent between the three styles, and is an example of of substitution. This is where one can break the original shapes into smaller variations, and use these to reconstruct the the tiling.
Due to this possible substitution the tiling shares some features with fractals, in that it may be inflated or deflated, yet present the same image and symmetry.
A list of other forms of aperiodic tiling in various geometries can be found here:
Mid-semester exam
The exam is worth 20% of the summative assessment.
We will look at some of the sample questions at next wednesday's tutorial.
Two helpful websites
Self study material in Solid State Electronics using Multimedia: A great website that shows lots of plots for the Crystal structure, Brillouin zones, energy bands and energy surface...
The advantage of Bloch model over Sommerfeld model
Next tuesdays lecture
Reading and some notes for next week
Chapter 12
Take particular note of
Table 12.1
Equations 12.6
subsection: Filled bands are inert
subsection: Holes
Here are some preliminary notes.
Tight-Binding Model
For anyone interested this collection of slides is a useful discussion of the basics of tight-binding theory. It goes through the same mathematical derivation of the energy eigenvalues, but also gives a good graphical example in k-space.
Wednesday's Tutorial
- A laptop with the software installed
- A copy of the "Bloch" chapter from "Simulations for Solid State Physics". You can download it here if you haven't already done so.
Schedule for wednesday April 6
noon - Paul will give the tutorial
2pm - Ross will give the lecture
Tomorrows lecture on quasi-crystals
Nearly free Electron Metal
Bragg plane
The nth Brillouin Zone
"The nth Brillouin zone is the set of k-space points reached from k=0 by crossing exactly n-1 zone boundaries in the outward direction."
two ways to proof the Bragg's law
Bragg and Van Laue diffraction
Ewald's sphere
Fermi surface
Cleavage (crystal)

Cleavage is an important mechanism in examining the structure of solids and also in some industries. Some crystals have the probability to split along certain crystal planes. And because of the repeated structure these distinct and week planes repeat and become visible even to the naked eye.
Pic. ref.: (
The Energy gap in superconductors
Constructing Brillouin Zones

The reduced zone scheme
Basic concept of Energy Bands

1st Brillouin Zone
Assumption of Weak Potential
Firstly, the interaction of electrons with the ions is much stronger at small separations, the conduction electrons are separated from the ions by the core electrons that surround it, and so the interaction is weak. Secondly, in this region in which the conduction electrons are allowed, their mobility can have the effect of screening the fields of the ions, making the potential experienced by any given conduction electron very weak.
Photonic Crystals
An electromagnetic analogue of the above behaviour is found in optical nanostructures which exhibit a periodic potential, due to a periodic dielectric of the material. The behaviour of the EM field in the structure is found to mirror that of the electrons in the crystal structure.
Although we haven't yet covered it, the greatest similarity is between the Bloch treatment of semi-conductors and this photonic crystal. Analogous to the semi-conductor, forbidden energy zones or wavelength band gaps are formed. This gives rise to a range of behaviours such as inhibition of spontaneous emission and and high reflecting omni-directional mirrors.